Archive for April 1, 2013

Monday Hangover

Posted in General Life with tags on April 1, 2013 by theerivs

Well it was a good weekend for the most part.

I had Friday off so I can’t complain. I pretty much stayed in..and watched TV..kinda…sorta.

Saturday, I went shopping for Mother as I always do. Things are getting worse financially. I’m basically buying her groceries now. I’m a little disgusted because this shit could of been avoided, but she’s stubborn.

Then it was RJ’s birthday party. She hit 30. Wow. It was a great party. Caught up with my great friends. Hit the bars afterwards. Poor Commando had too much to drink. She got tuckered out early.

Sunday was Easter. My Father was running late so I had to put up with my Grandpa, bitching him out. Then dealing with my Mom. Ugh I needed a drink after that.

I didn’t sleep too much last night, so sorry for not much details. I drank a little too much Red Bull last night. Going to relax tonight, and just vegetate.