Archive for March 30, 2009

Monday Hangover

Posted in Barlife, General Life, River with tags on March 30, 2009 by theerivs

Well after the Thursday I had, one would think I would take a break and relax. Nope not I.

Friday I went to JWH, and got me some free pizza, and a few drinks. Then I stopped at Oak Forest Bowl, to see my Cousin, and her Boyfriend who sings in a band. He is really good, but it’s so hard for bands. My Aunt and Uncle were out too. It’s always nice to see them. I get a kick out of seeing my relatives in a bar.  It’s like their real people.

Saturday…dear lord. I think the reason I’m going to hell is not from my own corrupted soul, it’s because I take so much enjoyment from the corruption of others. When I see a friend debasing themselves, it brings a smile to my face.  Saturday a friend tossed a party. Bob, and his girlfriend Jenny.  Bob tosses great parties I gotta say. He opens up his doors to his knuckle head friends, and we always have a good time. I can’t thank him enough.

Anywho it’s kind of a blur because before I even got to the party, I drank a pint of whiskey, and a few drinks at Durbins.  So at the party, I don’t know why I got into the Dog Cage, but I did. Probably because I’m an idiot. I’m sure the pictures will show. Then there was the Dance off. Me and Jackass had a disagreement, and in our crew there’s only one way to settle things. A dance battle. I don’t know I was so hammered that this time. I just flopped around the floor like a fish, but hell I won. Audience judging for the win.  So as the Whiskey bottle got more, and more empty the stupider, and stupider I got. Yea that was me giving lap dances to the girls, and I think to one guy too. He had a 70’s porn stache. I couldn’t help myself. LOL!

As for my friends, they were a little out of control. The Jenny’s were making out with strange guys, and each other. I swear my female friends get more lesbionic the more drunk they get.  I’m sure the pictures I get back, won’t be in any Christmas cards soon.

After passing out at 6am, I woke up and headed off to work at 10am. Which was pure hell because I thought it would take me only a couple hours, took me six. I was dyeing.

So that was my weekend. Everyone got a little nutty, so I wasn’t the only one this weekend who’s liver hated them. Which is something I like immensely.