Archive for respect

Let me tell you, I get no respect.

Posted in Art of Man, General Life, Philosophy with tags , on January 20, 2010 by theerivs

Rodney Dangerfield use to say that. Respect is very important in relationships, on both parties part. Though Men crave respect more so then women. My theory is that men crave respect, while women crave love. Not that men and women both don’t want respect, but I’m talking craving.

Let me review my theory, which I know I covered in the past, but I think we got some new people peeking in on my blog these days. So I will review. My theory is that a healthy relationship is a circle, No not a circle of trust Focker.  A circle that men crave respect, and women crave love. That when a man gets respect from his woman, he will give her the love she needs. 

I will give you a scenario to explain my theory.

IF you are a woman, and your boyfriend/husband/significant other or SO for short is out partying with the guys all the time, he isn’t with you, giving you the attention you need, and showing you love, and tenderness. So you become angry decide to go out with the girls. You flirt with guys, and such to get that attention you need. Then your man finds out what you’re doing, and gets angry with you. Well things spiral out of control from there unless something happens.

I am not saying women don’t want respect, but I’m saying they don’t crave it as much as we do as men.

Let me give you another scenario that me and OCD talked about.

This girl who was dating this guy went on a trip without him, and stayed in the same room with the guy, even slept in the same bed. Even though nothing happened, being the guy I can understand why he is no longer with this girl. If it was me, my foot would be down in a second. As a man if you respected me, you wouldn’t even think of going on a vacation where your sleeping in the same bed with another guy. So I’m sure this guy of hers thought about it, and even though he was a pussy and was a little passive aggressive, he eventually broke up with her.

Thats another thing guys, if you want respect, you have to earn it, command it, and be a man.  Show her the love she needs, I bet you get the respect you deserve.

Some tips to show her a little love that won’t cost you much you cheap bastage…

*Middle of the day send her a text saying your just thinking about it.

*Give her a massage. That’s like crack to a woman. (Don’t know how, go to the library and get a book)

*Pack a lunch for her, and leave a romantic note inside. (DO NOT LEAVE A PICTURE OF YOUR PENIS!)

* Cook for her. Learn a nice meal, and how to cook it to perfection. Then cook it for her.  Me I usually get one of those pizza kits from the store, and cook it. Easy, and no hassle.

*Draw her a bath, get some bubble bath, soap beady things, maybe some candles.. Women LOVE candles. Oh and make sure the bathtub is clean you sloppy mofo.

I tell you show your women some love, and you will get the respect you deserve, and more.

Now Ladies your turn, How do you respect your man.

* Well first off quit complaining, and maybe compliment more.  If you have a problem use the old compliment sandwich, For example. Honey, I know you work hard for our money, but the laundry machine is leaking, and it could damage the floor, what do you think we should do, I trust your judgement. See how that went, sounds alot better than, “This fucking piece of shit Laundry machine, we need a new one!”

*Men love to solve problems and fix shit. Appeal to this, instead of nagging, “Clean up this shit in the garage.”, perhaps say, “Can you help me, I’m trying to figure out a storage system for all the stuff in the garage.”

*Men don’t do feelings, show him the facts. Like if he wanted to buy something expensive, don’t throw a hissy fit. Show him a budget, and ask “to afford this what else can we cut out of the budget.”

* Be wary of your body language, rolling eyes, crossing arms, slamming doors denote disrespect as well.

If you women start respecting your SO more, I guarantee you will get more flowers.

Speaking of flowers, take it from me I worked at FTD, if you send flowers, send them to her work. Nothing a woman likes more than to show her friends, and coworkers that her man loves her. Do that my friend, you’ll be eating good, and probably getting an extra helping of dessert if you know what I mean…I tell you.