Archive for February 2, 2009

Monday Hangover

Posted in Uncategorized on February 2, 2009 by theeriver

Well to be honest, I think I’m still a little drunk. I had to be in early because my bosses were coming in. I got in at the crack of dawn, read my email. Hey guess what the bosses rescheduled….KHAAANN!!!

Anywho. Friday I was a good boy, I was kicked out of my house. My sister-in-law had a bunch of her bible thumping shrew friends over. So I disappeared. I went to see Gran Torino. It was a pretty good flick. I enjoyed it.

Saturday – I went out for a bit. It was a Jenny’s bday I know. A whole bunch of Jennys were there, with one of their hubbies. It was nice. But being the socialite I am I had other stops to make.  So I traveled the breath of the universe. I stopped my cousins bar, and it’s always nice to talk to her.  I made a few more stops. I ended up at the usual haunts though JWH, and Durbins.

Sunday – Ahhhhhh here is where I get into trouble. I start drinking about 3ish with a bunch of my friends. On the way we really start things off at Teehans with a bit of an Irish Car bomb. Then we make our way to JWH, where I progress to really drink. Now theres alot of holes in my memory, but some highlights were at one point there was a picture taken of a Jenny biting my tit. Also I had a these little foamy footballs, I went to a girl, “Here hold my balls”. One point I arm wrestled a girl. She almost won…ok not really, but I’m a nice guy so I made it  look good.  There was a bit of a dance off.  Did I mention I did a bit of drinking.

After JWH and the game, I saunter off to Durbins where I had a few more.  There are a few people I enjoy seeing over there, even though alot of people don’t think much of the bar in my particular circle of friends, theres still a special place in my heart for Durbins, for one relatives own it, and another reason is it reminds me of Blue Iguana and the good ole days.

As I woke up this morning feeling like I was legally pronounced braindead, and was revived. I gotta say it was well worth it, had a good time for Super Bowl, it was a good game, and The Iron Curtain won.

Alas it’s gonna be a looonggg day today.